Sunday, March 20, 2011

Time to move.

This morning I woke up & thought, "It's time to move." I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought this before; but there was always something attached to it: a broken relationship, frustration with job, general dissatisfaction with Ruston. None of that's really the case right now. However, when I got laid off from Trinity back in January, I knew God was officially releasing me from here. Actually, I think he released me back in the summer...the lay-off has felt more like a swift kick in the rear to move on. I still want to go back to school & pursue a degree in counseling or social work. I'm just not sure where. The great thing about working for Starbucks is that I can transfer anywhere. I feel like these last couple of months have been a time of training as I moved into a Shift Supervisor role & it's renewed my love for the company. I had lost that when I was working there AND the church...probably because I was just so damn tired all the time. Now there will be plenty I'm leaving behind parents, my God-children, & some great friends, but the great thing about home is you can always come back. As I was listening to the sermon this morning, a couple of things rose to the surface: I have grown stagnant here & as hard as change can be, great faith never comes without great risk & unfortunately, rarely isn't unaccompanied by fear. So, I ask that you pray as I seek out the Lord's discernment on this & I wait for him to open doors because I surely can't do this without him. Now I must go because my God-daughter is yelling at me to play with her:-)

1 comment:

  1. I had somehow missed the fact that you were layed off--SO SORRY! That will teach me to keep my eyes off my navel! Will be praying, Friend!
