As the world turns.

1:25 PM

So I wasn't off on Friday like I normally am, hence the reason I didn't post a new blog. We went to a ministry conference in Shreveport Friday and Saturday. It was put on by Frazer UMC in Montgomery, AL. Trinity recently read "Treasures of the Transformed Life" as part of our stewardship campaign and John Ed Mathison, the author, headed up the conference. I had met him a while ago at Asbury. It was good to reconnect with him and hear firsthand what God is doing at their church. It definitely came at a good time for me because I've been feeling the beginning stages of burn-out due to lack of volunteer help. Hopefully we can get that figured out soon. I was encouraged by how many on staff started out in a different position that didn't work and then moved into something they're really passionate about. That is my hope.

My weeks continue to be filled with work which I suppose is good since I don't have money to spend but I figured out last week I barely saw friends outside of Starbucks and Trinity. That's never good. I think I'm going to join a new small group at the end of the month that will meet during the day...very convenient when you work at a church!

Tomorrow is move day...sort of. They're having to repair a couple of things so my landlord doesn't want me to stay there but I can at least move my stuff in since I had already lined up a few friends to help. I'm super excited and did I mention, super broke:) Yay for tax returns!

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