things i love....things i hate.

11:04 PM

things i no certain order.
--watching movies for free.
--reading gossip magazines while i wait in line to check out.
--sonic fountain drinks.
--reuniting with friends after a long period of time.
--the sound of rain on the window.
--staying in my pjs all day and watching movies.
--singing loudly with the radio (this has become difficult since i no longer have a car radio).
--taking candid pictures...especially ones that catch a person's personality or emotion.
--reading a good book.
--the beach at night.
--being around people who i feel completely comfortable being myself when i'm with them.
--days off.
--taco bell at midnight.
--the chi.
--finding the perfect gift for a close friend.
--text messaging...weird, i know.

things i hate...also in no certain order.
--people who talk during movies.
--when my pants get wet when it rains.
--hot, humid days.
--being so far away from good friends.
--flying...but i do it anyway.
--public speaking.
--talking on the phone.
--the sound of dogs drinking water...throw in a toilet bowl and you might as well shoot me!
--those times when i feel far away from the lord.
--shopping without oxymoron, i know.

apartment update:
all my stuff is moved out of storage and is now living in my new apartment. most of it is even unpacked thanks to my loyal starbucks friends. i'm not living there yet due to some minor repairs that have to be done (new hot water heater and new deck). hopefully i can fully move in this weekend. at least that's what i'm hoping.

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