What a day!

12:25 PM

Friday...my day off.

9:45am: wake up...excited that I got to sleep in
10am: realize my mom is still home; she mentions that the trunk of my car was open.
10:15am: I begin to wonder about this and decide to investigate. I open my car door and immediately notice that my cd player is GONE! Yep, it's been stolen. Everything else in my car (nothing valuable) is strewn everywhere. Sigh.
10:20am: Call the police. They tell me they picked up 2 guys last night further down the street and they're sending someone out here.
10:25am: Policeman arrives (talk about expediency) to take my report. He gets my info and tells me that they caught 2 out of the 3 guys and charged them with several counts of theft.
noon: My mom goes out to her car to leave for work and realizes her Mary Kay stuff she had picked up yesterday is gone...what?! Really, what do guys need with Mary Kay!! It was worth about 60 bucks.
12:30pm: Talk to the neighbors and find out many of us had stuff stolen. None of us on this street lock our cars...we've never had a reason to...til now! Even in times such as this, it's nice to know we're not alone.

So, now I get to drive around with no radio until we find out if they were able to retrieve any of the stuff that was stolen or if the 3rd guy took off with everything. I was definitely not intending to drop another couple hundred dollars on a cd player. I'm still saving to get into an apartment. Geesh. In the meantime I'll just ride around listening to my ipod with my earbuds.

Here are some pics of the new place. I'm hoping to move in a couple of weeks.

Garage...I must say this is even more exciting after having my car broken into:)
Extra room downstairs that I'm thinking of converting into my living area.
Large open kitchen/dining area.
Kitchen with new appliances...love the ceiling!
Shower...also new!

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