thoughts on home.

8:24 PM

I've recently been having conversations with different friends about "home." This tends to come up on the cusp of a big transition. We try to find our place, where we belong. Below you will find a blog I wrote on Myspace in August 2006, post graduation/pre-moving back to Ruston.

I've been thinking a lot about home lately. Where is home exactly? The place we hang our hat? The place we sleep on a regular basis? Where our stuff is? Ever since I left my childhood home 6 years ago I've questioned this. Yes, I still consider Ruston, my parents house, my home in the conventional sense, but I've come to realize that home is not really about a location but more about the people that are in that place. So I guess the cheezy saying, "Home is where the heart is" is true. For the last 4 and ½ years, Kentucky has been my home. The people I have met here have provided a haven for me as I've learned, struggled, hurt, and grown. Now that I've graduated, my home has been shaken a bit. I'm still living in the same place but things have shifted. As school gets ready to start back up next week, I'm realizing how much I feel displaced in this community. Sure, there are still certain people that will continue to be a part of my life, but to be on campus as a graduate feels weird. It's completely internal...Asbury continues to be a community that is welcoming of all people (most of the time), but I guess it's more the feeling that my purpose for being here is finished. And I find myself wondering, why the heck am I still here? God's been faithful to bring people new and old across my path to remind me that although my initial purpose may have been to get a degree, my real purpose continues to be fulfilled everyday wherever I am.

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