If my life we're a musical...
10:54 AM I've often pondered this. In fact, I think I've had a few conversations with different friends about it. Often when you're watching a musical, it's natural for someone to burst into song. My favorite is when others join in and just happen to know all the same dance moves...yet it's supposed to be spontaneous. My latest obsession is the new tv show on Fox, GLEE!!! If you haven't seen it, you need to! It's about a group of highschool students, mainly misfits, who love to sing. Naturally, the glee club is not seen as cool at all, so there's always some conflict that is stemmed from trying to take down the club. Of course, that never happens. I, unfortunately, can't sing and I don't really have any stellar dance moves, although I have been doing Hip-Hop Abs with Shaun T. 3 times a week, so I suppose I could incorporate that into my daily life, but I have a feeling I would get some strange looks. Last night, my friend Matt, called me from Nashville. He was standing outside the Indigo Girls' tour bus waiting to see if he could catch a glimpse of them. My very first memory of Matt was on my 26th birthday. A group of us went to see the Indigo Girls and at the last minute, one of my girlfriends couldn't go so Matt took her place! One would think that as the only male, he might be uncomfortable, however, in the middle of "Shame on You" I look over and he's got his hands in the air, eyes closed, dancing his little heart away. It was then that I knew he and I were destined to be good friends! And if I do ever decide to turn my life into a musical, he would be the first one beside me dancing, singing, and acting a fool!