
5:47 PM

I find it interesting that in matters of life, I'm not a fan of change, but when it comes to how things look (i.e.: my hair, my apartment, my blog) I love change. It keeps things interesting, I suppose. I've had many a conversation about how weird it is when you get out of school. My life has been based on change. I take new classes every semester and there's always a break to look forward to. That is not the case when you graduate and get into the working world. Last night I had dinner at the Convilles. I got to meet their 2 adopted college students and they were talking about finals and the upcoming break. They asked me if I missed school. Yes and no. I don't miss the late night studying and paper writing but I miss the ebb and flow that school offers. Most of all I miss the friends I made both in college and seminary. The Lord is continuing to remind me that he hasn't left me here in Ruston; he is providing through the comfort of old friendships like the Convilles. I am grateful.

Tonight I am grieving for the Best family. Their 23-year-old son, Bo, was killed in a car accident yesterday. The whole thing is so surreal. Yesterday afternoon we heard he had made it through surgery and we all thought he was out of the woods. He died last night around midnight. Death is an unwelcome change that can happen in an instant. Please pray for the Best family in the coming days.

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