is it really time for resolutions again?

7:11 PM

Wow, it's been forever since I've been on here. As an avid writer, not putting down my thoughts on paper in some form is really not good for me. It's my source of processing through things to get to that point where things make some sense. I was looking over some of my posts from the last year, specifically this one. I certainly didn't do all these things like I had hoped, but some I was pretty dead-on. I spent as many Monday nights (that's our designated night) with my God-children that was possible and I paid off some debt. I wish I could say I paid it all off, but after looking through some things today, I think I've paid off between 5 and 6,000 dollars. As for the saving part, well, I was doing okay til Christmas rolled around. A big step of faith I took a week ago was quitting Starbucks. Although I will most definitely miss the extra income and awesome benefits, I realized that for my physical, mental, and emotional health, it was time to give it up. I'm looking forward to having a somewhat regular schedule which includes NOT waking up at 5am 4 to 5 days a week. I'm looking forward to saying YES! when one of my precious God-children ask if they can spend the night with Cece. I'm looking forward to attempting to getting into some type of exercise routine. I can't use 2 jobs and a crazy schedule as an excuse anymore. I'm looking forward to honing in on those God-given gifts he's bestowed on me for ministry, to rekindling that passion, and growing more into who He's created me to be next year. I really have no clue what's in store for 2011, but I'm open. I've spent this week doing as little as possible. I've slept a lot, I've spent time with loved ones, and I've tried to really listen. As a natural introvert it's not hard for me to spend time alone, but the sitting still and listening part takes some discipline. As I shared with a friend earlier in the week, I have a tendency to take care of every one else first and leave what little's left for myself. I just have to learn to balance or as Merriam-Webster defines it, to find "mental & emotional steadiness." I suppose if I had a resolution this year, that would be it.

Happy New Year!

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