Travel Blog...Part One.

11:26 PM

Over the years I have become a firm believer in carrying on all of my luggage when I fly. I've had too many experiences with lost luggage and it's just a headache I'd rather not deal with. On my recent trip to Atlanta, I decided I'd check my luggage since it's a non-stop flight. I knew that the airlines had become strict on the sizes of liquid containers you could carry on, but what I hadn't learned is what they consider a liquid. I decide to carry-on my make-up since I had to leave my house at 6:30am and I knew I'd have a few minutes to put it on before my flight boarded. I checked in to the airport at 8:05am (this is a small miracle considering I'm usually running to my gate)! I had a good half hour before my flight boarded so I headed to the bathroom to make myself pretty. At 8:25 I'm on my way to my gate. As my bag was going through the scanner, the gentleman asked if I had any liquids. I said no. I wasn't lying--I just didn't know. After my bag scans they pull it off and put it to the side. Another gentleman walks up to me and says, "Are you aware that you have liquids?" Um, no. I proceed to explain that I do have make-up. He looks at me like I'm an idiot. He opens my bag, pulls out the make-up bag and begins taking out my foundation and lipgloss. "These are creams. They are to be scanned separately in a clear ziploc bag. Do you have a ziploc bag?" Um, no. Again, he looks at me like I'm an idiot and pulls one out of a drawer. "We have one but in the future you need to make sure all liquids are presented in a clear ziploc bag." I smile and say thank you. He continues to look at me as though I have inconvenienced him. Then he begins spraying his GLOVED hands with cleaner as if my make-up is toxic! Do they not supply enough gloves to warrant a new pair in-between bag searches? I took my bag and proceeded to my gate. Needless to say, I checked my make-up on the way back.

I will write more about my trip next time. I have another crazy week ahead! Whee!

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