When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade...

5:59 PM

...or so the old saying goes. Today has been one of those rollercoaster days. Isn't it interesting how we wake up and don't always think about what the day will be like, but then it hits us and we know, "Oh, it's going to be one of THOSE days." Now this type of day was completely different from my random drive-thru day at Starbucks...today I found out the fate of my future employment at Trinity. Andy called me yesterday afternoon to see if we could meet at 10am this morning. Sure...we meet every week to check in, etc., etc. And yet, more than one person asked if this was THE meeting when I would find out about the job. I didn't think so, but apparently these people have some strong intuition into my life that I was unaware of. Remind me to track these people down when my life could potentially be in danger. Now these meetings are always a little strange...you sit there, waiting for the words to come out of their mouth. When it takes a long time to get to the point, you get a pretty good idea that they're trying to make up for the fact that no matter how much they sugar-coat it, they're about to reject you. Okay, so that's probably a tad dramatic, but you get my point. There's no easy way to tell someone, especially someone you know well, that they're not getting the job. And even though Andy was incredibly encouraging, in my head all I could think about was the negative aspect. However, after the initial, "We offered the job to someone else.", he offered me another position, assistant to the Director of Christian Education and Discipling Ministries. It's also a full-time salaried position only without benefits and ironically, the person who did get the job is a friend so I would be working closely with them. I've yet to decide if this is good or bad. Working for a peer? Something to consider. I must admit, I cried for awhile, not in front of Andy...for some reason, I didn't want to expose that much of myself, but more so after I was able to get to my car and drive away from the church. 8 hours later I am better and am able to see things from a more positive perspective. I'm still not sure if I'll accept this job. I was able to sit down with my parents for a few minutes and do some budgeting and pros and cons (you know how I love my pros and cons!) and they're certainly supportive either way. The great but also challenging thing about being an adult is we get to make our own decisions. I'll be praying through this all week. Might you join me?

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